Plus 3 Trip to Chile

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tuesday May 18

Today was our day at the SPA day. We all got on a big tour bus and headed out around 9. When we got there, we were a little unsure about the place from the front but after walking in, we were impressed. It was a very nice resort and saying as we had no idea what to expect, it was a pleasant surprise. First, we enjoyed some empanadas and the open bar, with also free ice cream. Then we headed out to play a pick-up soccer game. It was a 5 on 5 game and Chelsea and I were the only girls who volunteered to play. I really enjoyed playing since I used to play soccer all the time when I was younger. I wasn't very good, but I still had a lot of fun playing. After the game, we lay out in the sun for a while since it was such a beautiful day, then had lunch. After lunch, we lounged around for a little longer and socialized with the Chilean students. It was really nice just hanging out with them. I’ve been trying really hard to keep in their conversations but I still have no idea what they are talking about sometimes ahah. After staying at the SPA for a bit, we then we headed back and went to Werner's house for a barbeque and a little party. There was a lot of good food, and we all learned some new dances, including the Chilean students. After the party, we hit up one of the local bars to keep hanging out because the place we were at kicked us out at 12. 


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